What is Teleradiology?
Teleradiology refers to the practice of radiologist who interprets medical images when they are not actually in the area where the images are produced. Hospitals, mobile phone companies, emergency care centers and other private channels use teleradiology. The main idea after the use of teleradiology is that it is expensive to have a radiologist on site. Costs usually start at about $ 1,500 a day. On the other hand, using the teleradiology service allows you to pay on the basis of each test, and sometimes the cost is as low as $ 8 per test. In facilities that require 24/7 facilities, or those with a small number of radiology patients, they can provide significant savings. Patient care is enhanced by teleradiology by making it possible for radiologist specialists to provide their services without having to be in the same position as a patient. That is especially important whenever a junior specialist such as a musculoskeletal radiologist, pediatric radiologist, neuroradiologist, or...