What is a brake booster?

Brake Booster 

Brake Booster is a power booster that operates from the brake pedal to the main cylinder. The booster separates the power-assisted braking system from manual.

The most common type of brake booster uses Engine Vacuum. However, hydraulic boasters are also available. They use a fluid pressure generated by a power steering pump. Some cars use an electric brake.

How does it work?

The vacuum booster is usually installed in the firewall, in the engine area. It has a chamber separated by a diaphragm. The room is connected to a vacuum source, usually a multifold intake. It also has a shaft with valves running in the center.

The brake pedal is connected to one side of the booster. The Master Cylinder is mounted on one side.

Before you push the brake pedal, both sides of the diaphragm are provided with a vacuum.

When pushing the pedal:

  • The shaft goes forward and opens the valve at the back of the chamber.
  • Atmospheric pressure enters part of the room.
  1. The rest of the room is still vacuumed.
  • The pressure difference moves the shaft even further.
  • The shaft then presses on the master cylinder pushrod.
When you release the pedal, the spring returns the shaft to where it started. This restores the valves to their original positions. The vacuum is about the same size on both sides of the diaphragm.

How does it affect performance?

The brake booster pushes heavily on the main cylinder. In most cases, it can add 200-300 lbs. power. However, real power depends on:

  • Diaphragm size
  • The amount of vacuum used
  • Atmospheric pressure
The extra power helps to create the maximum pressure needed in the braking system without increasing the power you use on the pedal. This makes the ride easier and the driving more enjoyable.

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